Humanities on the Web
Exhibit Building in Omeka
Instructions: Step 1 of 1
In this activity you will learn how to create an exhibit in Omeka, using the photographs that you have described and uploaded. An Omeka exhibit is a presentation of your items, with added text and customized layouts. An exhibit can have multiple pages, and you can drag and drop them to rearrange the order, and make a pages a sub-section of another page. As you are working with a very limited number of items, the exhibit you create will be very simple. The goal of activity is to introduce you to how Omeka works.
- Log in to your Omeka installation - [your domain]/mykitchen/admin
- Click on the Exhibits tab in the left menu of your dashboard and then click the green "Add an exhibit" button.(If Exhibits does not appear in the menu, you need to install the plugin - click on the Plugins link in the top menu, and click on the green "Install" button next to Exhibit Builder)
- This screen asks for summary information about your exhibit and about settings that apply to the exhibit as a whole (not the pages which are its constituent parts)
- In the Title field, add “Digitizing My Kitchen” [or you can come up with a title of your own]
- In the Slug field - a slug is the text added to the end of a url that points to this exhibit, so [your domain]/mykitchen/exhibits/[what you enter in the slug field]. If you used “Digitizing My Kitchen” as your title, you could use “digitizing” as your slug
- In the Credits field, add your name
- In the Description field, add a sentence or two describing the "Digitizing Your Kitchen" assignment
- Using the Theme pull-down menu, choose a theme for your exhibit
- Leave the Use Summary Page? Box checked - the summary page displays the information you have just entered
- Leave Cover Image as it is
- On the right-hand menu, click Public, and then click the green Save Changes button (remember, Omeka does not autosave)
- The exhibit you just created will now appear on the Browse Exhibits page - we now need to add some content to it.
- Click the edit link under your exhibit title, scroll down to the bottom of the page, and click the green “Add Page” button
- An exhibit is made up of pages, and each page is made up of one or more customizable blocks of content. Each content block can include just text, a combination of texts and items from your collections, a gallery of items, or a file
- In the Page Title field, add a title related to the first photograph from your collection
- In the Page Slug field, add a word related to the title you just added
- Under Content, in the New Block section, click on File with Text
- Click the green "Add new content block" button that has appeared at the bottom of the screen
- A block will appear under content labelled “Block 1 (File with Text)” - if you scroll down, you will see underneath this block is the New block tool
- Click on the Add Item box - a list of items will appear.
- Click on your first photograph.
- You will then be given the option of providing a caption for your item - write a one sentence description of what is in the photograph
- Click the green "Apply" button - this will return you to the Add Page page, where the item you added is now part of Block 1
- Note: you can edit an item in a content block, and you can reuse items as many times as you want in a page and an exhibit
- In the Text box under Items, add some text about the subject of your photograph, incorporating information from the related source you found in the previous module (see below for “How to Include Secondary Sources in Omeka”)
- In the Layout Options bar at the bottom of Block 1, click on the triangle on the right
- There are 3 layout options for this content block - where the file (Item) appears, what size the file appears, and where the caption associated with the item (when you have added one) appears
- Select an option from each of the 3 pulldown menus
- Click the green "Save Changes" button on the right
- After you have successfully saved the page, a blue "View Public Page" button will appear on the right of the screen
- Click on the blue “View Public Page” button. You are now looking at the how Omeka displays the page on the web, the ‘frontend’ view seen by visitors to your site
- Click on the “Omeka Admin" link on the top right of your screen to return to the dashboard
- In your dashboard, click on Exhibits in the right menu, and on the Browse Exhibits page click on Edit under your exhibit. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, where you will see the page you just created
- Clicking on the page opens it and allows you to edit it
- Clicking on the X on the right of the page title deletes the page - but not until you click Save Changes. If you click on the arrow that appears once you have clicked the X, the instruction to delete the page is cancelled.
- Repeat Step 3 to create additional pages that present your remaining 4 photographs
- Create at least one page using the Gallery layout
- This layout uses more than one item
- Create at least one page that includes more than one content block
- After you have added the first content block, scroll to the bottom of the page, where you will find the New Block section, and select and add a new content block (you can use the same layout for the second content block, or choose a different one)
- Note: You can change the order of the pages in your exhibit: Edit your exhibit, scroll down to the bottom of the page, click on one of your pages and drag it to where you would like it to appear in your exhibit
For later: The text mining visualizations and maps that we are creating in the next module can all be embedded in Omeka pages - i.e. one publishing option in the tools you will use is html code which can be copied and pasted into a text field in a page to create a frame in which an online, interactive version of the visualization appears.
How to Include Secondary Sources in Omeka
- You could simply add in-text citations or footnotes of the sources (using the citation style of your choice)
- You could add your secondary sources as items
- Complete the metadata elements that provide the information that would be included in a citation (Creator, Title, Date, Publisher)
- Add a file - or not. In most cases, this could not be the source itself, as that would be under copyright or licensing. It could be a thumbnail image of the first page, cover or screen shot. You could also not attach a file - when you add an item with no file to a page, the title of an item appears instead.
- Include the items on the pages which contain information drawn from them.
Note: there is no need to submit a link to your Omeka site as the url follows a standard format - your domain/mykitchen
Once you have submitted your post, go to the Slack Channel #Module6 and post a response to this question and a response to at least one post from another student: